Apply for a Grant

The McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust invites applications for grant funding from organisations interested in undertaking projects or programs which align with and support the achievement of the Trust’s objectives and the community’s specific needs. To be eligible, the project must be of benefit to the community of the Gulf region.

A project is eligible for support by the Trust if it is conducted for a charitable purpose, such as grants, scholarships, bursaries and other assistance for education, vocational training and enterprise development or providing assistance for community infrastructure, and community development including the promotion of initiatives in the areas of health, law, arts, sport and culture.

Grants are not available for funerals or ex-gratia payments to individuals or groups of individuals.

All applications will be considered and preference given to applications which address the expressed priorities of the community to resolve major issues impacting on the sustainability of the region, help build local capacity in a long-term, sustainable manner and are catalysts for greater investment in the community either through additional external funding opportunities, revenue-generation or other self-sustaining methods.

Applicants should have the support of key community groups, including:

  • Local Elders (for projects relating to Aboriginal culture arts and/or storytelling)
  • School Council (for education, sport and young people’s programs)
  • CBT Youth and Community Program (for young people’s programs).

Generally, projects will not be considered for funding when, in the opinion of the Trust Board, they are the operational responsibility of Federal, Northern Territory or Local government.

To apply for a grant please complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) Form, which can be found in the top right-hand corner of this page. The form is easy to fill out and covers off the basic details of your project. Project Officers will assess the Expression of Interest and consider if more information is required.

If your organisation and project meet the necessary criteria, you will be invited to formally apply for a grant by completing the Project Funding Application Form.

The two-stage application process is detailed below.

Applications can be made each quarter and should reach the Project Officers two weeks in advance of the board meeting to be considered at the meeting (generally occurring in the third week of the month). Dates will be advised on the CBT Facebook page. Please contact the Project Officers if further assistance is required.

Expression of Interest Form (Stage 1)
Project Funding Application From (Stage 2)
Project Funding Guidelines
Funding agreement template
Community Benefits Trust Publication Guidelines