Total funding to date: $1,152,928

Projects that support the sustainable development of industries such as eco-tourism and fishing, and the protection and preservation of Indigenous country of cultural significance.


$109,370 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation
Fauna Survey on Gulf Islands

Funding to support for li-Anthawirriyarra and Yugal Mangi Sea Rangers to undertake fauna monitoring on Maria and North Islands over three years, working with young people from Yanyuwa and Marra clans.

For more information refer to Case Studies.


$287,272 to James Cook University
Community Conservation of Dugong and Dolphin in Yanyuwa Sea Country

Initiate a long-term study on dugong and coastal dolphin in Yanyuwa sea country to enable monitoring of habitat health in the marine environment.



$145,567 to Mabunji
Li-Anthawirryarra Sea Ranger vehicles

Funding over three years for the acquisition of two vehicles and their maintenance costs to help caring for country initiatives of the Yanyuwa people.

For more information refer to Case Studies.  

$106,000 to King Ash Bay Fishing Club
Barramundi Monitoring Phase 2

Collection of data on the status of Barramundi and Golden Snapper stocks and the impact of recreational fishing on the McArthur River.

$184,718 to King Ash Bay Fishing Club
Barramundi Monitoring Program

A two-year research program to examine the impacts of increased recreational fishing on Barramundi fish numbers in the McArthur River near King Ash Bay.