Enterprise and Job Creation
Total funding to date: $7,528,870*
*Not all projects have been recorded on the website.
Programs that promote employment and local business establishment and development to create a diverse local economy and sustainable job opportunities.
$76,000 to Many Rivers Microfinance
Microenterprise Development Support to Borroloola and surrounding areas
Assisting local businesses and entrepreneurs with business development support and mentoring through Many Rivers.
$5,000 to Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal Corporation
Let’s be Seated
Funding to support the fit out of the MAWA office with furniture and other equipment so they are able to host community meetings and other events.
$26,200 to Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal Corporation
Broke n’ Spanners
Establishment of a mechanic workshop in Borroloola that provides opportunities for young people to learn basic mechanic skills.
$76,897 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Robinson River Fuel Upgrade
Upgrade existing fuel system to allow for fuel to continue to be available in the community.
$140,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Robinson River Community Training, Meeting and Conference Centre
Funding to support the upgrade of facilities to provide a space for the community to undertake online training and participate in online education programs, as well as provide a facility to accommodate community meetings.
$966,319 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
Wanula Creche
Contribution towards a new creche building providing a safer environment and allowing more parents to take up job opportunities.

$1,400,000 to Roper Gulf Regional Council
Rocky Creek Bridge Upgrade
A project initiated by the MRM Community Benefits Trust and jointly funded project between the Northern Territory Government, Roper Gulf Regional Council and the MRM Community Benefits Trust, this project raised the height of the Rocky Creek Bridge to make Borroloola more accessible during times of flooding.
For more information refer to Case Studies.

$194,891 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
Sea Ranger Vessel
Purchase of a custom built vessel for the Sea Ranger unit to support their economic development and tourism activities.
For more information refer to Case Studies.
$18,982 to NT Industry Training Board
Youthworx Careers Expo
Facilitation of a Careers Expo held in Borroloola in October 2015 which was open to school students and the public.
$150,000 to Malandari Properties
Malandari Aboriginal Staff Accommodation Project
This grant assisted in providing housing for Aboriginal staff of Malandari Store.
$59,480 for Gudanji Traditional Owners
Gudanji Rangers
MRM partnered with Traditional Owners to scope the establishment of a Gudanji Rangers Group. The purpose of the study was to explore the feasibility of building a sustainable, commercial enterprise based around the Gudanji peoples’ commitment to protect, preserve and nurture their country.
$227,000 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
Barni-Wardimantha Awara
Over these two years, the fledgling business models and developments already in place were expanded on, enhanced and consolidated to the point where the wider Yanyuwa is being implemented.
$148,420 to McArthur River Mine
Pathways to Employment Program
Development of a two-phase employment program for the Region to include the mine and also extending to all employment opportunities in the community as a whole.
$134,718 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
Turtle Camp
This project provides an additional two years of funding to Turtle Camp with the aim of establishing a viable ecotourism enterprise on country. The ecotourism event will provide an educational platform for visitors and the eco camp proposal is responsive to stated Yanyuwa aspirations for achieving some degree of financial independence and management autonomy through the provision of environmental services and sustainable tourism development.
For more information refer to Case Studies.

$143,478 to Mabunji and Li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Ranger Unit
West Island Turtle Camp
Support for two eco-tourism trials at Maabayny (North Beach) on West Island. Trials of a new turtle camp were conducted 25-27 September 2012 and 30 September to 2 October 2012, providing visitors the opportunity to participate in turtle research undertaken by the Rangers and Yanyuwa families.
For more information refer to Case Studies
$113,850 Mabunji and Li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Ranger Unit
Barni-Wadimantha Awara
Second grant to support the engagement of a consultant to help action a Plan of Management for the Yanyuwa country as an Indigenous Protected Area including researching and trailing ecotourism opportunities and infrastructure development planning.
For more information refer to Case Studies.
$544,624 to McArthur River Mine
Indigenous Training and Employment Strategy
Deliver an effective and culturally appropriate framework for Indigenous recruitment, training and retention at MRM which encourages and supports applicants from within the local community.
$539,268 to McArthur River Mine
Indigenous Training and Employment Strategy
Employment of two operator trainers to provide on-the-job training for Indigenous trainees and employees, support the intake of another 15-20 trainees in entry level positions, provide ongoing mentoring and support and buy a new bus to transport local employees from the mine to Borroloola.
$543,000 to Malandari Properties
Purchase of Store
This grant assisted in the construction of the new Malandari Store with the relocation of the Post Office, construction of the annexe and upgrade of security systems.
$40,000 to Waanyi Nation Aboriginal Corporation
Machine Hire
Support to engage a consultancy to develop a viable business plan for the growth of a new enterprise to provide contract machinery operation.
$541,743 to McArthur River Mine
Employment and Training
Deliver an effective and culturally appropriate framework for Indigenous recruitment, training and retention at MRM which encourages and supports applicants within the local community.

$170,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Civil Equipment Purchase
Support the development of a self sufficient civil contracting business in Robinson River through the purchase of a Self-Propelled Smooth Drum Roller.

$10,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Breeding Bulls
Purchase 2 bulls and 10 cows for the Wandigulla Outstation to support the extension of their breeding and export business.

$551,295 to McArthur River Mine
Employment and Training
Deliver an effective and culturally appropriate framework for Indigenous recruitment, training and retention at MRM which encourages and supports applicants within the local community.
$50,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Civil Equipment Purchase
Support the development of a self sufficient civil contracting business in Robinson River through the purchase of a CAT Grader.
$145,960 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Community Store Materials
Support towards developing the community store to replace the ageing existing shop which has poor refrigeration capabilities and lacks space for growth.
$64,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Further Civil Equipment Purchase
Further support the development of a self sufficient civil contracting business in Robinson River through the purchase of a Low Loader.
$20,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Goat Herd Fencing
Build a fence to contain a herd of around 200 goats and protect them from dingo attack.
$76,162 to the National Trust
National Trust Welfare Building Refurbishment
Conduct repairs to the museum’s ablution facilities to promote tourism.
$69,462 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Visitor Accommodation
Add a visitor accommodation and kitchen facility to a planned Government Business and Accommodation Centre and expand its potential uses.

$70,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Concrete Batch Plant
Expand the potential business opportunities serviced by the Civil Construction Team.
$90,000 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Concrete Agitator
Build a sustainable local operation that will give the community the resources it needs to conduct maintenance and construction activities.
$36,120 to Greenlip Enterprises
Airbourne Solutions Training
Provide a local Indigenous resident with the necessary training to gain his license and secure employment as a commercial helicopter pilot at Airborne Solutions.