Total funding to date: $2,053,722

Projects aimed at improving the health and well-being of the community including action to address drug and alcohol abuse, chronic diseases and provide access to affordable, healthy food.


$9,600 to Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal (MAWA) Corporation
Back Roads Bush Tracks Riding Program

Continuation of the bike riding program for young people in Borroloola. Support to purchase new bikes and equipment to fix bikes.

$4,500 to Borroloola Health Clinic 
Opening of Women’s House 

Supporting the opening of the Women’s House in Borroloola which provides a safe space for women’s health. 


$15,080 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
BMX Bikes Robinson River

Funding to purchase 20 BMX bikes for Robinson River and the school’s sports and recreation program.

$26,913.72 to Borroloola Primary Health Care Centre
Health Outreach Trailer

This project is to enable the delivery of primary health care outside the clinic setting. The trailer will be able to transport equipment and education resources to help clinic staff provide health checks, health education and promotion to improve the outcomes of the Outreach Program.

$136,290 to Borroloola Football and Sporting Club Inc.
Borroloola Thunders AFL

Support the establishment and ongoing development of the Borroloola Thunders AFL team.


$156,420 to Roper Gulf Regional Council
Healthy Pets Healthy Communities – Animal Health Program 2021 – 2024 

A program to improve the health and welfare of dogs in Borroloola and Robinson River communities through regular vet visits and education programs. 


$86,046 to Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation
Robinson River sports vehicle and trailer

Purchase of a vehicle and trailer along with associated sporting equipment.


$19,000 to Mawurli and Wirriwangkuma Aboriginal (MAWA) Corporation
Back Roads Bush Tracks Riding Program

Weekend and holiday program for youth and young adults to enjoy push bike riding as a means of exploring country and facilitating other health, social and wellbeing outcomes.

$97,980 to Roper Gulf Regional Council
Borroloola and Robinson River animal health program

A program to improve the health and welfare of dogs in communities.

$300,000 to Cancer Council NT
Closing the Gap – Cancer Prevention

Pilot program to address Aboriginal cancer rates at a community level. The funding contributes to an Aboriginal Cancer Unit with three health staff workers in Borroloola, including two Aboriginal Cancer health workers and a Project Coordinator to assist cancer prevention, education, early detection and improved standards of care to reduce mortality levels in the Gulf.

For more information refer to Case Studies.


$90,000 to Nangala Foundation
John Moriarty Football Scholarship Program

Soccer program with a focus on a positive impact for Indigenous children in the region through engaging in sport, education and a healthy lifestyle.

For more information refer to Case Studies.    

$3,270 to Cancer Council of the NT
Cancer Awareness Program

Deliver cancer awareness sessions at the school and town centre and an in-service session at the health clinic.

$16,315 to Mabunji
Pool chair lift for the disabled

Purchase of a chair lift to enable aged and disabled people to access the town pool.


$197,690 to Menzies School of Health Research
Planning for Better Health Outcomes Phase 1

Assist the community to develop a long-term Health Action and Investment Plan. The project uses a creative and participatory approach, to facilitate discussion about health and well-being and identify priority areas for investment and action informed by Indigenous knowledge and western scientific evidence.


$32,729 to Mental Health Association
Suicide Story

This program has been developed and run by the Mental Health Association of Central Australia since 1992. The program has been developed specifically for remote Aboriginal communities in the NT and, with the support of the Trust, has been delivered in Borroloola.

$130,000 to Borroloola School Council
School Shade Structure

Provision of shade to areas adjacent to the new playground.

$50,000 to Roper Gulf Regional Council
Borroloola Community Pool Facility Operations

This grant assisted with the expenses associated with of the operation of the pool and maintaining adequate staffing levels to provide a safe and healthy environment for the public to swim.


$150,000 to Gulf Health Services
Gulf Health AFL

Continuing on from the first 12-month grant, this new grant provided for the ongoing operational activities to support a local competition.

$7,290 to Cancer Council NT
Cancer Education

This program provided essential information about what cancer is, how to reduce the risks, how to detect possible cancers and what to do about a cancer diagnosis.


$300,000 to the Nangala Project
John Moriarty Football

Soccer Program with a focus on a positive impact for Indigenous children in the Region through engaging in sport and healthy lifestyle. This program was established for 12 months prior to the Trust providing financial support.

For more information refer to Case Studies


$54,545 to Roper Gulf Council
Borroloola Community Pool Facility Operations

This grant assisted with the expenses associated with the operation of the pool and maintaining adequate staffing levels providing a safe and healthy environment for the public to swim.


$200,000 to Gulf Health Services
Gulf Aussie Rules Footy Program

The Trust has provided support for the establishment of an AFL Program representing Borroloola and Robinson River communities for senior and junior teams in the region.


$10,250 to Mabunji Wunala Crèche
MARA Wunala Creche

Provide ablution facilities to ensure the health and wellbeing of the children while in care at the creche.