Youth and Community Program

Community have consistently identified the needs of young people in Borroloola and Robinson River their highest priority. In August 2023 the CBT initiated establishment of a new stand-alone Youth and Community Program in Borroloola aimed at providing wellbeing programs and opportunities for local young people. The program is led by Coordinator Steve McAllan who is supported by local Wellbeing Officers who deliver the programs which include health, sport and recreation, life skills, training and other activities in partnership with other organisations including Borroloola School Learning on Country Program and Roper Gulf Regional Council and other youth providers. The program is currently overseen and auspiced by Plan C but will be a standalone charity entity from September 2024 where a range of other funding partnerships and programs will be established to grow service provision. The CBT investment is to ensure the new entity is established to be sustainable, impactful and provides wellbeing benefits to local young people and community members.

Steve McAllan


Janitina Pluto


Deslie Riley