Funding to date: $3,772,069

In addition to the grants program, a number of CBT-led projects and programs are funded by the Trust. These projects and programs are identified through community engagement and often fill the gaps where grant investments are not meeting community needs and aspirations. These projects bring immediate and longer-term benefit to the region.

$16,593 as a CBT-led Project
Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) National Summit

CBT Female Directors – Marlene, Emily, Buffy and Nikita – attended the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) National Summit held on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country in May 2023. The summit was aimed at improving Australia’s approach for advancing the rights, health, safety, wellbeing and prosperity of First Nations women and girls.

$25,298 as a CBT-led Project
Borroloola Town Camp Upgrades

The McArthur River Mine (MRM) Community Benefits Trust contributed over $25,000 worth of materials for the McArthur River Mine’s local workforce as they carried out upgrades to the Borroloola township during COVID-19. Materials included road base for grading works around the town camps and fencing for the swimming pool. The purchases helped local mine workers who were unable to access work during the pandemic make invaluable contributions to the town and surrounding areas.

$3,065,000 as a CBT-led Project
CBT Development at 6 Searcy Street, Borroloola

Following requests from the community over the years for more local services and business opportunities, the CBT is currently working on developing a new community, retail and commercial development at 6 Searcy Street, in the centre of Borroloola. The CBT purchased the property in 2022 for $565,000, and have committed $2.5 million to developing the site into a mixed use precinct. The remaining funding contribution is being sought from the Federal Government. 

$29,985 as a CBT-led Project
Youth Scoping Service

The MRM Community Benefits Trust has supported a Borroloola Youth Service Scoping Study to identify opportunities to inform planning, design and delivery of a youth service in Borroloola.

$60,000 as a CBT-led Project
Development of a three year Youth Strategy for Borroloola and Robinson River 

The strategy provides an operational model for a youth service in Borroloola and Robinson River, based on the outcomes of the Youth Scoping Study undertaken in 2020/21 and additional engagement with the community and service providers. 

$7,500 to CBT-led Project
Borroloola Economic Assessment

The McArthur River Mine (MRM) Community Benefits Trust initiated an Economic Study of the Borroloola Township to assess potential economic and social impacts of development projects in the region.

$47,322 as a CBT-led Project
Video Conferencing Hubs

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the MRM Community Benefits Trust purchased and installed three remote video conferencing hubs in Borroloola and Robinson River to facilitate remote collaboration in extreme events such as pandemics and natural disasters. This equipment has been enthusiastically adopted by its users, who are finding potential for collaboration outside the community previously not possible.

$120,329.30 as a CBT-led Project
Academic Assistance Bursary

The Academic Assistance Bursary provides funding to support secondary school students in Borroloola, Robinson River, Outstations and Town Camps attending school locally or elsewhere to purchase essential IT equipment (computers, laptops, tablets and accompanying supplies) for school.