International artist Shellie Morris came back to her roots to work with the Borroloola songwomen to produce the Song Peoples Sessions – a celebration of culture and traditional languages.

The project, funded through a $79,288 grant from the Trust, brought together women from the Yanyuwa, Gudanji, Marra and Garrwa language groups to compose new songs, entirely in languages of the region.

The result is the double album Ngambala Wiji li‐Wunungu – Together We Are Strong.

“Language will keep our culture strong and of all the musical work I’ve ever done, I’m most proud of this,” Shellie said.

Shellie’s connections to Borroloola reach back to when her Grandmother was taken from her community at a young age. While Shellie grew up elsewhere, she has since reconnected with her family, culture and language.