Culture and Art
Total funding to date: $2,251,379
Supporting the sustainable growth of existing art and culture organisations in a way that promotes generational understanding of Indigenous culture and traditions and the establishment of sustainable culture-based businesses with tourism objectives.
$55,000 to Waralungku Arts Centre
Accessibility and Maintenance
Supporting essential upgrades and improvements to the Waralungku Arts Centre to ensure accessibility of the centre and improve the appearance of the centre by painting the facade.
$15,000 to Flinders University
Jakarda wuka (Too many stories): narratives of rock art from Yanyuwa Country
Funding to publish a book about Yanyuwa rock art found throughout the Sir Edward Pellew Islands. This project was instigated by the Yanyuwa Families Group and involves the collection and documentation of the many stories and songs associated with these places.
$25,980 to Waralungku Arts Centre
Training and Events
Enabling the ongoing promotion and professional development for the artists of Waralungku Arts Centre by providing funding to help them to attend various events and training opportunities across the NT. This allows further sales of artworks and promotion of the arts centre among the arts network.
$14,100 to Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre
Four Clans Exhibition
Funding to support the Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre to host the Four Clans Exhibition as their first exhibition of 2022. This involved many art pieces from the Waralungku Arts Centre in Borroloola, including the Four Clans Artwork, being put on display at the exhibition in Katherine.
$7,200 to Waralungku Arts Centre
Grounds Maintenance Equipment
Funding to support the purchase of maintenance equipment to continue to keep the grounds of the Arts Centre clean and tidy for artists and visitors.
$65,659 to Monash University
Duwarra Wujara (Two Young Men)
Instigated by senior Yanyuwa Elders, the project has produced one of the most important Dreaming stories for the South West Gulf of Carpentaria in 3D animation as a process of preserving intangible cultural heritage in the region.

$397,018 to Artback NT
Remote Arts and Culture Program
Create custom footers for your Funding to extend the Artback NT Remote Arts and Culture Program in Borroloola from 2020 – 2023, including annual delivery of the Malandarri
For more information refer to Case Studies.
$30,000 to Waralungku Arts Centre
Supplies and Equipment
Funding to stock Waralungku Arts with supplies and equipment.
$21,000 to Borroloola School/University of Queensland
Garrwa and Gunindirri Garrwa Plant and Animal Book
An ongoing language and traditional knowledge resource project, the funding supports the publication of a comprehensive book of plant and animal names and enthnobiological knowledge in the Borroloola Community language of Garrwa (including the Gunindirri Garrwa dialect).
$40,500 to Borroloola School
Bangarra Dance Workshop
This grant provides funds for the Bangarra Dancers to work with the school to engage in cultural dance, stagecraft and storytelling activities.
$9,600 to Waralungku Arts Centre
Four Clans Artwork
Funding for the production of a large scale four-clan collaborative painting.
For more information refer to Case Studies.
$12,000 to Borroloola School
Growing our Culture program
This grant provides support to run Cultural Days at the Borroloola School with senior community members.
$15,000 to National Trust of Australia (NT) – Gulf Branch
National Trust Police Museum
Security and storage upgrades for the Borroloola Old Police Station Museum.
$300,681 to Artback NT
Remote Arts and Culture Program
A further three years funding to support the employment of a Remote Arts and Culture Program Coordinator to coordinate cultural programs.
$19,257 to Borroloola School Council
Borroloola School Indigenous Hip Hop Projects
Empowering students through Indigenous hip hop projects, song and dance workshops and performance.
For more information refer to Case Studies.
$60,000 to National Trust
Upgrade of Old Police Station
Upgrade of the facility for the upcoming anniversary to create a space for events and displays.

$98,000 to Parks and Wildlife
Limmen National Park protection of rock art sites
Extending on from the successful project undertaken in 2015, this project focuses on rockart site protection, training and recording, and also includes minor archaeological works in the Limmen National Park.
$53,205 to MAWA
Robinson River Historical Project
This project collated ancestral knowledge and history passed on to the current Garrawa community to share knowledge and history and potential tourist interest in the Robinson River Community.
$47,050 to Parks and Wildlife
Rock Art Protection
This grant was provided for the protection of Aboriginal art sites in the Limmen National Park. The program employed local Indigenous people to work alongside of Parks and Wildlife staff to identify and protect art sites of significance.
$91,300 to Artback NT
Borroloola Cultural Events & Arts Engagement Officer
This grant provided of the continuing employment of a Cultural Events & Arts Engagement Officer. This grant extends on the previous three-year grant to enable the coordination of activities in the community to continue.
$41,535 to Monash University
The Garrwa Stone Country Rock Art Project
This project commenced the recording of rock art sites (cultural heritage) on Garrwa country. The project worked with senior Garrwa Traditional Owners as well as engaging the younger generation in the recording and sharing of culturally significant rock art. The Elders introduced the younger generation to the sites where they used modern technology to preserve and transmit this knowledge.

$123,010 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
Knowledge Centre & Keeping Place Phase III
This project provided extended the progress made in Phase I & II to carry out the consultation and planning required for a cultural centre to store and share with the community and visitors the collection of cultural materials and digital resources for the Yanyuwa, Garrwa, Marra and Gudanji community.
$61,430 to Mabunji
Sharing and Keeping Place
This project provided seed funding for six months to carry out the consultation and planning required for a cultural centre to store and share with the community and visitors the collection of cultural materials and digital resources for the Yanyuwa, Garrwa, Marra and Gudanji community.
$16,500 to Mabunji
Yanyuwa Dictionary
This two-volume set will be one of the largest documentations of any Indigenous language in Australia. Volume 1 includes a general history of Yanyuwa people and language as well as a large number of bilingual interlinear texts covering an array of historical subjects. The second volume contains the dictionary and grammar proper. The two volumes can work together or as independent volumes.

$88,880 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
The songbook provided a resource as an ongoing collection of non-ceremonial songs and related knowledge of Yanyuwa, Marra, Gudanji and Garrwa peoples honouring their ancestors and connections to country. The songbook is a full colour book with a DVD of audio songs and short films. The book is available for purchase at the Waralungku Arts Centre.
$150,000 to Artback NT
Arts Development and Touring
A three-year program designed to help create new and revitalise existing cultural festivals in the Region celebrating the diversity of traditional Indigenous dance.

$194,310 to Mabunji and Waralungku Arts Centre
Gulf Country Musecology
Following on from the success of the Song Peoples Sessions in 2011 and 2012 the project was further extended to continue working with the four language groups as both singers and producers to record the traditional songs of their communities.
$79,288 to Barkly Regional Arts Inc
Song Peoples Sessions
An Innovative Indigenous cultural maintenance and language preservation project that recorded the traditional songs of the four local language groups and produced them into contemporary recordings for both archival purposes and the enjoyment of listeners.
For more information refer to Case Studies.
$50,000 to Waralungku Arts Centre
Mabunji Waralungku Arts Exhibition
Assistance to local artists to exhibit Paintings, prints and wooden sculptures which featured in an exhibition at the Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery in London in July 2011.
$25,000 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
Boonu Boonu Festival
Support for the expansion of the 2011 NAIDOC Celebrations to include the Boonu Boonu Festival as the only traditional Indigenous dance festival in the Northern Territory.
$5,000 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Centre
NAIDOC Festival
Support the costs associated with the delivery of the NAIDOC festival program in 2010 as an important annual celebration of Indigenous cultural heritage.