About the
MRM Community Benefits Trust
The McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust was established in 2007 under an agreement between McArthur River Mine (MRM) and the Northern Territory Government to support the social and economic development of the Gulf region.

It is a charitable Trust which aims to:
- Facilitate ongoing sustainable development of the community and the region including community capacity building and local business enterprise development.
- Build infrastructure within the community to a level that will facilitate the creation of local jobs, diversity of new enterprise, beneficial social activity and improved health outcomes.
- Enhance the positive social and economic impact of MRM’s mining operations on the community and the region as far as is reasonably practical.
- Create jobs and training opportunities.
The Trust is a partnership between MRM, the NT Government, and the community and works to bring to life a long-term vision for the sustainability of the region, developed in consultation with the community.
Importantly, ten of the 14 Directors on the Trust Board are representatives of the community—eight Directors representing Gudanji, Garrwa, Yanyuwa and Marra (the four local language groups), and two community members. Their role as Directors provides a local voice in decision-making and helps ensure community needs are targeted.
The Trust supports projects and programs in the Gulf region, which comprises the communities bounded by Robinson River in the southeast, Sir Edward Pellew Islands in the north, Limmen Bight River in the west and Balbirini Station in the south. The town of Borroloola sits at the heart.
For more information on the governance of the MRM Community Benefits Trust Meet our Board members.
For more information view the MRM Community Benefits Trust 3 Year Plan.
The Trust supports the Borroloola region which comprises the communities bounded by Robinson River in the south-east, Sir Edward Pellew Islands in the north, Limmen Bight River in the west and Balbirini Station in the south. The township of Borroloola sits at the heart.

Our Logo
The McArthur River Mine (MRM) Community Benefits Trust logo shown at the top of the page is a graphic representation of an element from a painting by-well known local artist Alan Baker.
Alan is a Gudanji/Garrwa man and a Board Director of the MRM Community Benefits Trust. This painting has been used as a symbol of the Trust since its inception in 2007.
The painting is a self-expression about growing up on country and learning about bush tucker. It features bush tucker available on country in the Gulf region.
The painting currently hangs in the passenger lounge of the McArthur River Airport.
The logo depicts one element of the painting, the moth of the witchetty grub, which is a common bush tucker.
Our Board
Our Board is made up of 14 directors, including two representatives from each local language group (Gudanji, Garrwa, Yanyuwa and Marra), two representatives of the local community, one representative of the McArthur River Mine (MRM), one representative of the Northern Territory (NT) Government and two independent directors appointed by MRM and the NT Government.