The McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust supports the social and economic development of the Gulf region. 

This form can be used to express your interest to apply for grant funding for programs or projects to be implemented for the benefit of this regional community. Please refer to the Project Funding Guidelines for more information. 

contact details
Grant details
Project Details
Please confirm that the organisation is eligible to apply for a grant by ticking the relevant box below.

Please confirm that you are able to attain the following documents for the Application.

Please also note the following requirements (for relevant projects) prior to submitting a Full Application:

  • Support from local Elders – for Aboriginal culture, arts and/or storytelling projects
  • Support (in writing) from School Council – for education, sport and young people’s programs
  • Evidence of approvals and land tenure – for construction and development projects

For further information, please contact the Trust Project Officers at the email or number below.

Email: [email protected]
Enquiries: Jim Gleeson 0422 794 072